On the mend.. hopefully!
For whatever reason blogger no longer likes my pictures! Once I figure that out I hope to start posting more.
In other news..
We're trying to recover from a week of yucks. It appears we had two different illnesses going through our family. One was a head cold/etc that we picked up from somewhere. The other was a stomach bug. Almost everyone appears to be on the mend except for Noah. He's running a fever today and tired. The medicine wiped out the fever and he's snoozing next to me. Hopefully he's the last one to get it!
The girls managed to avoid the ick, including Naomi.. hurray for breastfeeding! I've been sick and was hoping I'd passed along more antibodies than germs. :)
This is going to be a creative week for school. We did celebrate Hannukah, in a relaxed manner, and I'll put up pictures of our menorah later. We read a few really good Henry commentaries about being a light to the world. The book we used was The Family Guide to Biblical Holidays. For Christians interested in learning more about holidays I'd recommend it. Although, once you understand the real holidays it does feel a little strange to hang onto the made-up ones! hehe.
Most of our Christmas planning is done. I'm thankful we started early with this bug hitting us. I accidentally opened one of my presents from Jim (yes! it was an accident! hehe). The children are still making lists and its fun to see what things appeal to them this year. The presents to out-of-town relatives (which means ALL relatives) have been mailed. Whew. The children put up the Christmas tree, with the girls doing most of the work.. and they even hung lights in the living room. It looks very pretty.
The puppies eyes have opened!! I'm 99.999% sure the puppies have two fathers. I've seen two dogs lately that match them exactly. The boys have a black lab/retriever mix dad, he's just a bit bigger than Meadow. The girls have a rottie mix dad. There's just no way they have the same fathers with the striking difference in appearance and development - plus seeing the male dogs outside confirmed it. We still have a couple of weeks to go before we see their personalities.
We are taking 'dibs' on puppies and will mark those that are taken.
The quote heard most often in our house:
Joseph, 4: "It's taking SO LONG for presents!" He can't figure out why we put up the tree if we're not going to do presents. Poor guy!
Shew - amazing you got to much done with a houseful of ick.
Hey there! Just wanted to pop in and say hey. So glad the whole family didn't get sick! Looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow.
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