Wednesday, January 10, 2007

1/5/07 Project 365 Picture

For some odd reason the "pearl" color of this makes it look like the edges were rolled in mud. I'm guessing this is something my 365 days of pictures is supposed to help me correct. :)
This is a picture of my birthing ball, which is often used during pregnancy and labor. It is GREAT for relieving pelvic and back pain during pregnancy. My midwife recommends sitting on it for at least 20 minutes and gently swaying side to side. I bought mine from
The leg belongs to James. *g* James did a great job in school today and finished quickly!
"Momma's Ball" is a common fixture in the house, tho often borrowed by others. Noah, 21 months, likes to roll it around the house. He seriously looks like a crazy dung beetle from a Nature special. I think it's hilarious. We have a smaller one, but I realized that it wouldn't work for sitting at the table or desk. I'm only 5'3" but truly needed the large one to use as a "chair" so I could use it often. I highly recommend these to other moms-t0-be out there! I also purchased the Earth Mama Angel CD Labor Prep from there. Another really good buy!
Our To Do list is getting longer than the rest of the pregnancy. At least I'm making progress on "update blog" ;-)


Kathy in WA said...

You go, girl! Keep those muscles strong. I love those big exercise balls. Great for all sorts of strength training. Cute picture.

berrypatch said...

I loved using a ball when I was laboring with my last two boys. It was such a help! I haven't broken down & gotten one for the house yet...too many boys & not enough room. :-) ~Lisa in ME