Saturday, February 17, 2007

Kitty Cat News

The Cats

This is Sugar, Charlotte's cat. She's around 5.5 years old and very spoiled. She's 'house trained' and meows to go out.. which is nice... except at 3am. I keep hoping she'll start using the litterbox again. She's all white except for her calico tail and bit of brown on her face. We call her 'Splenda' just to drive Charli crazy. hehe.

This is the new kitten, Peppermint, being held by Bethany. I tried repeatedly to take his picture but he was not holding still at all. He's almost all white.. has the tabby striped head, two spots on his back, and then a tabby striped tail. He's extremely soft and still very light. He's also quite fearless and has been playing games with the Brittany. I think he's around 8 weeks old.

This is Mocha, formerly called "Mother Cat" at the vet's office. She was found with her kittens last summer. All of her kittens were adopted and she stayed. She's *huge* which really doesn't show in this picture. Imagine a fat waddling racoon -- that's her body shape. She's also a tad bit grouchy, but slooooowly getting over it. She does come out for attention and has been watching the other cats. We can tell she's loving all of the new room to explore and has been playing with kitty toys. She's estimated to be around 1 yr old.

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