Naomi the Chocolate Girl & Chorepacks
The pictures are out of chronological order... but they're definitely in order of cuteness!Noah takes a swipe at Naomi's nose... Charli takes over wiping a hand.
I don't think Naomi was all the way happy with us cleaning her.. But she stood still for it!
Bethany pitches in with the other hand..And *these* are the BEFORE pictures... isn't she cute? She got into the chocolate fruit dip and REALLY enjoyed her little self!! hehe. We've learned to 1) start paying attention when she gets quiet and 2) don't leave tempting things on the table!
Chorepacks: The idea is from Managers of their Chores ( or .com) I like Managers of their Homes, although I do not use their charting system. I do use it as a good kick in the pants if I feel unmotivated! :) (Honestly, my daughters have begged me to never do a MOTH schedule again.. ever. So I don't think they'd give it glowing reviews.)
The MotC idea of chorepacks is brilliant! I bought nametag holders with metal clamps. For the cards, I cut index cards into half and they fit perfectly. I jotted out the various AM chores we do and then put them (numbered) into each child's chorepack.
Noah (3) has this in his:
- Make bed, tidy 3 things in bedroom, bring out laundry. (I drew little pictures on his card to help. It is all on one card because I figured it's a general bedroom chore).
His room to do is the "Wii Room" which was the "TV room" and before that the "dining room" (dining room is now in the living room which is being called the schoolroom. I tried call the Wii Room the living room but we all got confused.. I need to paint and then it'll be the Yellow Room.. I digress...)
- Clean off couches, put pillows neatly on couches. (Has pics of couches on card).
- Straighten shelves (drew pics of books)
- Pick up toys
- Put any clothes in laundry room (Both Noah & Naomi still discard clothes in random spots!)
- Get floor ready to be vacuumed.
- Vacuum. (He doesn't do this, I do, but he does have to make sure there's nothing that the vac will suck up unexpectedly.)
That's it for his chorepack. He really enjoyed flipping through his and doing his "work". They all especially liked having a clear outline of what to do and knowing when they were DONE. I liked not having to remind five different people of what chore comes next. We did a runthrough this afternoon (with Daddy home) so I could make sure I had them all in logical order.
I don't plan to do afternoon or evening chorepacks. Having the house Company Ready once a day is good for me. We don't have people who drop in unexpectedly and fifteen minutes is usually enough for us to get back to.. um.. normal chaos? :)