Monday, April 9, 2007

A cat photo, plants, etc.

Here are some of the plants in progress. The large one at top is Charlotte's. They have sprouted fast and most are coming close to reaching the lid.

James and Joseph show off their sprouts. Noah and Bethany's plants are lagging behind, hopefully they'll have more to show tomorrow! (Btw, this is Joseph's "Cheese Face" as he calls it!)

I had to take a picture of Mocha. This is where she sits. Noah hasn't been using the high chair lately, so I guess it seems to be the perfect cat hangout. She sat here for over an hour, patiently watching the world go by, although I'm wondering if she assumes she'll get a snack!

Everything is done and waiting on baby. The birth pool is set up with a sheet overtop to discourage cats from jumping in it. They haven't tried it.. but why tempt them? It is not filled. The crockpot has a fresh ginger root in it. It is used during labor to help prevent tearing (assuming we're not in the pool!). The stack of receiving blankets are waiting patiently for a baby to wrap up! :)

Here are some of Noah's new diapers. He's got a rainbow bottom. hehe. Missing from this picture is a BRIGHT orange (so cute!) and another color that escapes me right now. These are soooo soft and wonderful.

1 comment:

Cupcake Girl said...

the color thats ecaping u is a bright yellow
your Dauture(sp!)