Saturday, July 7, 2007

A stormy saturday

Old picture of Bethany's baptism by Daddy. The church's carpet is that bright green, the water, while not green.. was FREEZING because they didn't have time to heat it. The Pastor graciously allowed us to borrow his church (there is no congregation there) for our baptisms. A few others decided to be baptized that day as well!

It's funny how it goes from sunny to very dark so fast. Joseph is somewhat scared of thunder which means that Noah is now scared of thunder. Noah and Joseph may not be twins in age, but Noah sure tries to act like Joseph's twin in behavior! The trickle-down-effect is alive and well in our household.

Last night Jim and I were babbling away at Naomi (you'd think she was our first baby...). We were doing all the typical parent babbles and I reminded her, for the millionth time, that she is a gorgeous baby. Jim said that one day a young lady is going to fall head over heels in love with Noah's blue eyes. God has given us only one blue-eyed child so far.. and we've figured out WHY He made Noah so amazingly cute -- because he *loves* to exasperate his siblings. If he wasn't so cute they'd make us give him away. (Joseph has already asked if we could trade Noah for Elias, my best friend's baby boy hehe). Now we're looking at Naomi who appears to headed towards blue eyes herself... I wonder what kind of 2 yr old she will be?

Speaking of children in trouble.. we have an interesting trend going on. Every time I talk to my father (named Joseph) I end up having to correct my Joseph. We're hoping to vacation with Dad later this month and I'm wondering what antics Joseph will have up his sleeve with Pap Pap watching!

Good news: we're actively car hunting right now. Jim has a few to look at tomorrow. We're praying a reliable vehicle is available. Hoping for a car instead of a truck because of the savings on our insurance, but at this point we'll take what runs! :)

Other good news: We've been church searching for a while. We have found a couple churches that would work, yet, we've had no peace about settling there. I was looking around the internet and ran across a mapquest ad for "find a local church". Well, duh, that's something I hadn't tried! I went to and typed in "church" for the place and my address. It pulled up churches only 5-10 miles away in a town we'd never explored. A few I couldn't find current phone numbers for and others I jotted down.

I happened to find a church that I recognized from a national website (a conservative Baptist site) and so I emailed the pastor. He actually stopped by today with a nice packet of information for us! The church is small, around 50 members, but it is an established church and seems to have a lot in common with what we're seeking. It's in the town I -wanted- to live in, which is funny because I never realized how close we are to that town! I discovered, while mapquesting, that we live around 3/4 mile from 2 towns, so our home really is on the outskirts.

Other info..

-Its hard to find jobs in New Zealand and you need a special permit to work there. Jim offered to move if I could find a job, I've given up. (He also claims that while they have no snakes they have oodles of spiders.. we have enough spiders here).

- Charli would like to live in Texas.. which is simply hotter than SC with more fire ants, snakes, and bugs. We might as well stay here!

- Jim is qualified for jobs in Imany states, but not a single one in Idaho. (This is what happens when 2 adults have free time and play on!)

- We think we are where God wants us, so we'll stay put. We just need to start a campaign to get some family members to move south to help with lugging around children to sporting events!! I'm hoping that WV gets the coldest, longest, icy winter on record. lol.

1 comment:

Cynthia said...

Church hunting is SO hard... it takes awhile to make connections and really feel a part of a new body. How nice of the pastor to stop by and give you info.

A few of our kids are also very afraid of thunder, but don't mind watching lightening.... THUNDER can't do any harm, but STILL *that* is what they're afraid of..

hope you find a vehicle very soon!