Tuesday, July 3, 2007

This is what happens...

When you add a box of baby dresses, a cute baby, one mom, and a doting older sister, plus a camera.

Charli wanted me to ad that her hair isn't striped on purpose. lol. Her hair has steadily gotten natural highlights due to softball season and playing outside. So while the base gets darker the auburn keeps getting lighter. This was also our trick to tryin to get Naomi to smile and why she's looking off to the side a lot in the pictures!
Sara sent a whole boxful of gorgeous dresses, these are just a few we put her in, we didn't want to try her patience TOO much (see below for what happens when we do that :). We love our sweetie too much to let her fuss. Well.. at least to let her fuss longer than it takes to snap a picture!
This dress is so pretty. It looks like dupioni silk and has a delicate butterfly applique on it. We moved her hands to get a picture of the butterfly and that was when she got upset.

Her expression made us all laugh out loud. She's getting to be SO big. Its hard to believe she'll be three months old on the thirteenth (another Friday, she was born on a Friday as well!)
Our other activity has been to switch the bedrooms around again. The girls are moving back into the larger bedroom after we paint it. They picked pinwheel (www.glidden.com) which is a peach/pink color. They hope to stencil it later on with flowers and such. We have never painted a room. We swore as soon as we bought a home we'd paint, after years of renting, and here we are 7+ years later. hehe. After it is painted I'll try to get a picture up. That room has been used as nursery/storage (Noah sleeps in there now) so we had to sort through a lot in the closet. May I just say I absolutely hate sorting closets?? We had some good talks about missionaries and other groups that purposefully live simple lives -- it keeps them from having to sort overstuffed closets! I put away two very large boxes of kid picture books. As the other books are worn, or eaten!, we can replace with those from the boxes.
Tonight the goal is to finish swapping closets, wash the walls, lightly sand, and put up the painter tape. Tomorrow we paint! If it goes smoothly I hope to paint most of the house. Seven years of family life takes quite a toll on walls. The good news is its a great excuse to really dig in and declutter. The girls will be donating/tossing a lot of things instead of moving it into their new room.
Currently going on in my home...
Naomi is in her swing, staring at her mobile. Charlotte is playing Zork (text based game from the 80s). Joseph is "reading" a bugs bunny comic (belongs to James). Noah is singing and dancing throughout the house (its nearing naptime, he's in tired silly mode!). James and Bethany are playing restaurant as they turn tortillas into chips. Bethany is manning the griddle while James is the official taste-tester. I think they've even tried a few with basil.
I'm blogging after a very productive morning of playing "Where's the Tidy House?" lol. We did manage to find the Tidy House under the WhyDoesItLookLikeaTornadoHit House. hehe.


Cynthia said...

All of those reorganizing projects make SUCH a mess before you see any real progress! Keep at it!

The dresses are BEAUTIFUL!

Mommaduck said...

She is such a beautiful baby!

Jim said...

I take no credit for the beauty or goodness in those kids., I accept full blame for anything that they do wrong as I am sure it is my fault somehow.